Labral Tears

What is a labral tear?

The labrum may develop tears within it or may tear away from the adjacent acetabulum. This creates a flap of loose labrum which may cause pain or catching with movement.

Labral tears may occur in a specific injury playing sports or working, or may result from repeated minor damage over time (for example hip impingement). They may be a sign that hip arthritis is developing.

What are the signs of a labral tear?

Many labral tears cause no symptoms at all. They may cause pain in the groin or around the side of the hip or buttock. There may be a feeling of clicking or catching in the hip if there is a loose flap

What is the best treatment for labral tear?

Not all labral tears need surgery. Many people have a labral tear and hove no pain, so even though the tear does not heal by itself, it may become pain free in which case it is safe to leave it alone. If the tear was caused by a recent injury, then rest and simple pain killers or anti-inflammatory medication will help.  A physiotherapy program can help by improving the posture of the pelvis and strengthen the protective stabilising muscles around the hip.  If the hip is very irritable and inflamed, then a cortisone injection can settle that down.  If rest, physiotherapy and injection don’t provide lasting relief then hip arthroscopy is a good option to repair or remove the torn part of the labrum.  

What is the surgery for a labral tear?

Hip arthroscopy to repair or remove the torn part of the labrum can be very effective in relieving pain and returning to sports and activities.
